Psychotherapy is a unique space, in which you can explore in confidence, experiences both past and present which may be impacting your life right now.
Clients come to therapy for a number of reasons and with experiences that may be affecting how you are at home, work and in relationship with others. You may have specific experiences that you want to explore and have a firm idea of what you would like to work with and on in therapy. Equally you may just have a feeling that something is not quite right in your life and want a safe space to go deeper.
Psychotherapy is a space in which you can seek meaning around your experiences and ways of being in the world. It maybe that you have never had space or time in which to seek support for your experiences. This unique process can help you find your voice, give words to feelings and emotions all within the confidential space of therapy. You may through the process find new ways of feeling, thinking and experiencing yourself and how you relate to other people.
You may have experiences of being discriminated against and pushed to the margins. Marginalization is a very powerful experience, and multiple experiences of this can affect our sense of self and how we view ourselves. I welcome all aspects of my client's experiences into the room including those around marginalization. I respect each part of your experiences and welcome exploration around marginalization if that is something you would want to talk about with me.
From my own experience of psychotherapy before and during my training, I have found it offers great potential, as a space in which you can speak and find your voice for your experiences in order to move onwards. I aim at all times to advocate for you, as you begin to explore and find your voice for your story in psychotherapy with me. I will stand with you in our journey together.